Blogging hasn't been high on my list lately. You've noticed, mrrr eh? Give a cat a break...there's all that eating and sleeping to do. And I am excelling at sleeping lately. I think I'm logging about 20 hours a day. Mrrrrhee.
There's no snow so there's really only so much a Wisconsin Snowcat can do besides hibernate and wait. Not that I don't get out daily to check out my world. But it's just waiting for snow too.
See what I'm saying?
I do regularly check on my brook...there's been some nice icy droopy formations, but my photographer keeps forgetting to bring her camera on my walks. Ahem. She keeps complaining it is broke. So no icy thingys for you to look at.
Yep, the grass is still a bit green here...though that's an older photo.
You notice how the camera works for her okay when she's with him, right? Mrrrrrhhhhmmmm.