Did you hear my name this morning on NCPR? Todd Moe was asking us locals to email him our backyard temperatures. I did that, and also wrote him to remind his human listeners to keep their companion critters' paws in mind and only let them outside if absolutely necessary. Todd was game...he wasn't daunted my feline-ness. He read my email out loud to everybody.
It was -32 in the wee hours before Boo got up. But by noon it was a balmy 0 again.
Alex and I made a bid to go out on the porch to sunbathe, but Oom and Boo say the porch birds don't need to see any cats. The suet set (blue jays mostly) are doing pretty good with their home-made suet. Oom got the rest a supermix with lots hulled seed, nuts, vitamins and stuff just for this arctic weather, in addition to all the black oil sunflower seeds and the gelatin blocks of nuts, seeds and corn. Alex says there are goldfinches, one redpoll, chickadees (Boreal and regular), cardinals (they are very red), titmice, nuthatches (both kinds), and juncos. No woodpeckers yet...
I don't think I'm going out on the snowpack today. Human people, keep your critters indoors! I know dogs need to go out to pee, but don't let them dawdle...
Best inside, on a lap or, if need be, by the radiator or wood stove. Human people, think about putting a little flax oil in your feline friend's food. That will help with itchy, dry skin.