Sunday, June 6, 2010

Frog Spa

Mrrrr Friends,

Turns out the neighbors are running a frog spa. I kid you not. Check it out.
Can you find the three frog dudes in the photo? They're sitting there, being green, evenly spaced along the bank? Double click and make the picture large if you can't see them. In the water, they have what seems like thousands of tadpoles!

This pond environment is neighbor made. It has falling water and a stream and this big main fish live in it too...and bugs. My cat pal neighbors are pretty proud of it and I go and visit often.

I try to time my visits when the neighbor lady is out cause she thinks I'm handsome and she gives me good scritches. It's not that I don't get the Big Love at home, but a guy likes to be admired by the women-folk.