It's the peak of spring! Very exciting for a young cat out exploring his changing world. Here you see the daffodils Boo planted at the base of my Linden scaling tree. We also have heirloom tulips coming up around the big pine...deep red and daffodil yellow.
The grass is growing like crazy which means Oom will be unleashing the outdoor cat-eater machine. As opposed to the indoor cat-eater - which tries to suck a cat up and put him into a tiny box - the outdoor cat-eater is serious, it wants to chop up cats and anything else that gets in its way. It's noisy and stinky. I don't know what they are thinking letting it out and about.
I found a HUGE garter snake yesterday...he was way longer than me. He startled me and I really startled him. I'd never seen a snake I guess. Frogs are one thing...they are fun to watch and at most I will only consider smelling them; they just don't inspire licking. Snakes though, are very was very hard not to chase his undulating S's but Oom made it clear I should not.
My newest project is Diesel Spring. About three litter-box changes ago, I was walking along in the long low area between the tame yard and the wild yard, and my paw sank through the earth and into a big wet pool. I immediately explored and yelled for Oom. We found that there's an underground world of water streaming toward my brook...we kinda knew it was there but didn't know it was so big!
So where my paw sank through? That's now a burbling above ground pool - so we're making it nice for cats and birds, putting in a few pebbles, and Boo is going to get me a couple native iris to plant. Oom says we should test the water before cats drink it, but I've been grabbing several licks every day on the sly.