Mrrrrr Friends,
Me, I listen to my local public radio station - North Country Public Radio. I've talked here before about how much NCPR ties us all together here in the beautiful Adirondack Park. I've been listening for just a year, but enjoy hearing the voices of the folks I've come to think of as neighbors.
I like listening to the news and learning about gardening from Amy and about critters and cool natural phenomenon from Dr. Curt and Martha. When a dog gets lost somewhere here in the North Country, the nice folks at NCPR will help the dog's person look for him by telling everyone who's listening where he got lost and what he looks like....the dog, not the person. Now I've only heard them do this for dogs...that's a bit suspicious. Do only dogs get lost? Cats never get lost, right? What about parakeets? Or hogs? There's been a lot of talk about hogs this morning on the 8 O'Clock Hour show.
They're having a pledge drive as I noted in my last blog. I nicked my person's credit card and made a donation. I didn't win the iPad drawing Monday ...though I think I get another chance later. But even without neat prizes, it's still worth it to support them so they come to my home every day and tell me what's going on.
In the name of professional journalism though, I wish they'd rethink overuse of the word "pet".
Human neighbor pals, if you're reading this blog, shoot a pledge over to NCPR on behalf of your furry friends.