It has been a challenging week.
The great electrical juice maker has been inconsistent, and from time to time, Aluminum Cat and all the other blinking whirring things in the house don't work. This makes the folks pretty uptight...
Oom in particular tends to swear a lot when Aluminum Cat hibernates because the juice goes away. She's going to a bored meeting in Arizona this weekend, and she's putting all kinds of pictures in a big electric folder to show people. To be extra careful, she turns Aluminum Cat off at night. Try as we might, Alex and me have not been able to push the tiny convex "on" button on its back.
So my blog time has been curtailed.
On the other paw, I've been having some nice outings in the mornings. No new snow in the past few days, with the weather warming and the sun out. We do now have a solid foot of packed snow, and this morning even Oom could float on itlike a snowcat. It was shiny and crystally in the sunlight, the air was crisp and my brook was loud and beautiful in the morning light.
We are all thinking spring at this point. The Goldfinches are getting their brighter yellow feathers.
We found these tracks just outside.
A little later the same morning, I found a vole working along the snow line.
I got so excited, I forgot to really do anything...not that I want to harass a little cold vole dude minding his own business outside.