Thursday, February 25, 2010


Mrrrrr Friends,

The snow is even deeper today. It has not let up at any point though it got suspiciously wet in the mid-afternoon. We're guessing 14" at least, and I'm willing to swear on my kibble tin that it's more like 18".

I don't have many pictures for you today because there was an incident.

We went out in the morning after coffee and waking up the aluminum cat. The snow was decidedly deeper and still lacking pack - tough going even for a purebred Wisconsin Snowcat. I kept falling in holes and climbing out. Finally I hitched a ride on Oom's shoulder's. We visited the wetland where the following incident took place.

Did you get the hint? We didn't.

Large amounts of wet snow had been collecting on tree branches and, with a slight breeze this morning, was sliding off the branches with loud thuds. We saw a whopper release off the big white pine on the other side of my brook...big sloppy plop into the water!

After this lightweight incident with an ash tree dump, as we headed back in, we stopped to admire some tracks under my friend the big white pine. The next thing I knew there was a sliding and whomping sound and the world went kind of light and dark all at the same time.

The cat was buried! The pine tree threw a big old snow wad all over me and Oom. She didn't get buried, but I could tell from the cursing and swearing that the camera might be more in my situation.

It's a natural snowcat defense to lift the tail flag-like in a drift so folks know where you are....I think my tail was sticking out of the heap of fluffy stuff.

Like a sherpa, Oom dug me didn't take much really. (The camera had one more shot in it.)

Actually, it was kind of fun.

I wonder what will happen tomorrow? It's been snowing all day!