Sunday, January 31, 2010

Morning Rituals

Mrrrr Friends,

It's been a tumultuous week on the weather front. Last Sunday, we were in the midst of January Thaw. It was 50 human degrees outside with blustery southerly winds. The Blue Jays were totally doing the pairing up and territorial thing, chippies were scurrying about chattering at each other, there was even a screaming Red-tailed in the sky. I felt like I had a fur coat on...a weird sensation for a nude dude.

But these hardened Adirondackers knew it was just a thaw. Thursday there was a blizzard and Friday night, during the brightest, biggest moon of the year (the Wolf Moon), the temperature dipped into the -25 area. Yesterday morning, I had to break my fledgling 4 degree was -8 during my morning stroll. But the sun was out and it was gorgeous, so my paws didn't even feel chilly.  Mind over paw?

Alex loves the sun, and spent some quality time out on the porch with our friend the Solstice tree who's providing second story protection for birds. Boo thought she might turn into an icicle but she was fine.

And my brook, while icy, continued to merrily burble along.

Nevertheless, outdoor frolic time is curtailed in these colder times, so a furry guy has to depend on his other morning rituals to help give his day meaning. While my nighttime antics are top-secret - perimeter duty, critter watch and other things that help the world spin on its axis - I always try to wind up sleeping innocently next to Oom. That way, her first big morning ritual is also mine - coffee with foam.

Every morning Oom makes her and Boo really thick coffee with fluffy foam. Now, coffee is not good for cats, but the foam sitting on top is very, very special, in moderation of course! The milk comes straight from the cows at the Essex Farm CSA to my lips. Foamy, warm and frothy, it is a special treat. Every morning I have 3 fingers of foam...uuuummm yum.

At this point of the morning, Oom is stroking the Aluminum Cat...I still don't know what she sees in it to keep her there all day. Me, I take this time to expand my horizons and learn about important subjects.

By mid-morning after warm foam, outdoors time, and intellectual activity, it's time for a little nourishment. Now all of you know how much I love kibble. It is rare for me to veer from the path of cat kibble, however I make exceptions for foam, a good French or Italian red, and yoghurt. Mmmrrrmmm, the same cows that give me the great milk also make yoghurt...they are a talented crew! Here, I am waiting for Oom to make the bananas and granola go away so I can get to the yoghurt.

At this point, there's really very little to do but sleep...until dinner time.