Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bob the Cat

Mrrrrr Friends,

This is Bob. (S)he is new in our least we all just figured out (s)he's moved in!

(A neighbor of ours, Darryl, took this photo in his back yard.) Bob's a kitty that will eat a kitty, given half a chance. Now, I think that's out of bounds, but I don't think I can argue, since I've mangled a few mammals in my wild youth (and there was that mouse this summer, a victim of old instincts).

We were thinking Bob, or Bobbie (though I think he's a dude like me), was hanging out on the other side of the Ausable River - a few reports had come in in the past week, and were confirmed by my pal Ranger Rob.

On our walk across the brook this weekend, Oom  ran into some paw prints that looked like Big Cat prints, but they had an elongated heel, or handle, at the base. We didn't have our camera, but we looked close and, after checking the print database...we think Bob has been in our neck of the woods, on this side of the river, too.

That kind of changes how far Oom lets me wander in our morning outings. I guess she's right...I'd hate to be a victim of someone else's instincts.