I hope you all are relaxing this weekend, providing special treats for your cat friends, and eating good kibble yourselves.
Me and Alex are heading to the Big City for a few days to celebrate the tree holiday with Boo's mom, Boo's littermate and his people. I gotta go pack toys, but before I do that, I thought I'd update you on the cat side of the gift giving yesterday.
We had a very good tree holiday. It was quiet...just the four of us. The centerpiece of the gift giving was an extravaganza I arranged, thanks to my friends at DuckyWorld Products Inc. For those of you woefully behind on excellent feline products, DuckyWorld is the proud manufacturer of Yeowww! brand catnip and toys. They sent a box of goodies for me to review.
Quite a haul, eh? I take my review responsibilities seriously, so I sorted through the items to see what to include in Alex's and my review and what to keep back for some of my pals at the shelter.
Then Oom helped my wrap the box back up (no, I can't do that by myself) so we could share and celebrate with Alex.
Needless to say, the wrapping paper did not last for long. Alex has an acute sense of smell. The tissue was so quickly decimated that we did not capture it on camera. But the aftermath of box opening was just as fun.
Thankfully, Oom finally opened the bag for her and gave her a stalk...
I reserved for myself the sole Greenfish.
That's a lemon, and banana, and a pumpkin...
Yeowww! buds + tissue paper = cat haze.

The serious business of catnip toy reviews remains...but what a great way to celebrate a holiday.