Mrrrrr Friends,
Alex and me, we’re all about the Leonid meteor showers. Every night during the past week we zipped from window to window (they’re on all sides of our house) watching the sky.
You’re wondering why two cats with healthy, busy lives are fixated on meteors aren’t you? You’re thinking: it has something to do with cat vision.
Read this from MSNBC:
“The Leonids are known to be made up of cosmic litter from a small — 2.2 mile — dusty comet discovered by two astronomers in the late 19th century and christened Tempel-Tuttle. The Leonid meteors are thought to be the dusty legacy of comet Temple-Tuttle because the dust is moving around the sun in virtually the same orbit as the comet.”
Cosmic-litter! Now how cool is that? An environmentally sustainable option that would be incredibly pleasing to humans.
The way we figure it, if we poop into cosmic litter, basically there will be no poop. It’d be zapped by the magnetosphere or explode into fragments or radiated into oblivion.