Friday, October 2, 2009

Ranger Rob - Part I

Mrrrr Friends,

I’ve mentioned my humans’ predilection for outdoor busy-ness? It seems to have reached new levels over the past 2 weeks. Boo kept going outside on the roof of the house with sandpaper and paint. After all kinds of sanding and hammering, he’d take out a can of white paint, and then cans of grey paint. I think he’s getting indecisive. Alex kept trying to help him, but the thought of her zipping around the rooftops makes his knees turn to jelly. Here he is out with the little scamp on his shoulders.

But Oom took the cake with her activities of late last week into this past weekend. She spent days pretty much murdering all kinds of brambly plants in order to make one particular part of the yard safe for big tall blackberries. Pretty species-ist, if you ask me, but then again, I kind of like the big, tall stalks. Walking through them makes me feel like I’m some cool explorer cat…and it has opened up a whole new area for digging holes and filling them up with goodies.

Here’s one end of the row of freed up stalks. Some of them are 6 to 7 feet high. Look at all those big piles of stuff! And this picture has about ¼ of what she pulled out. She was getting kind of possessed there at the end. We found a sweet little volunteer Trembling Aspen – we think – all covered by vines and shaded by Staghorn Sumac, something we have a bit too much of, in my opinion. I have hopes of climbing the aspen someday, but the sumac, just isn’t climbing material. The birds like it so, for their sake, much of it remains even after the hillside vegetation genocide.

Now we have all these nice blackberry plants all ready to do their thing next year. But we also had a big old pile of soon to be dead stuff to add to the already big pile of already dead stuff that they’d collected over the past few months.

Now what?