Life is pretty busy here in Upper Jay. I’ve got my paws full surveying and monitoring a new yard and getting to know its inhabitants. Here are a few highlights.
I find the damp wet ground a very appealing launch pad substrate. The shallow mini-pools of water make it possible to abort a run, stop and take a drink of ground water like it was all planned. There is a very nice medium-sized glacial erratic next to the lone trunk, which could serve as an alternative launch pad or sunning rock. It also affords a perch for viewing frogs, who congregate among the sedges and are amazing creatures. The frogs I’m meeting so far are streamlined numbers…not the peepers of my native Wisconsin. They don’t seem too disturbed by me looking at them, but there’s something about them that doesn’t inspire a paws-on approach.
Our most frequent bird visitor of late is “Stinker,” a noisy, very territorial male House wren who is renovating the Carolina Wren box hanging from our back porch. He’s had his eye on the place for a month or so, but only recently took the plunge. We think he’s trying to convince his partner Rose to move in for a double-clutch year. Rose seems to be a bit shy of Alex, so I’m not sure that Stinker will persevere in moving her…maybe with some further renovation of the interior he’ll convince her next year?
This bird box has an illustrious history of producing happy wren families. It was chock full of sticks and bird junk from its last happy brood (click on the House Wren link in the “Labels” column to see more on that). In a fit of human moving and organizing mania my male person cleaned it out this spring. Stinker was pretty appalled that the place didn’t come with furniture, but he took care of that right away.