Did you hear the news? Al Franken is now the esteemed Senator from Minnesota. When I heard this news on North Country Public Radio, I became very excited and immediately began drafting letters in support of my pet legislation – cat suffrage.
Now, I love my people and I consider them pretty smart cookies, though sometimes a tad impractical, and I can always depend on them to support my efforts to advance cat philosophy in all its forms. In this case, however, my female person insists that just because the Democrats now have a supermajority in the Senate, this is not an open door for cat suffrage. Her words were: “Diesel, they’re Democrats – not animists”.
I feel a bit let down. Actually, I was incredibly discouraged when I first recognized that she wasn’t going to be able to go along with me on this one. But after looking into a time-share in Florida, I decided maybe this was asking a bit much…and perhaps on too large a stage. I will turn my attention to local affairs and remain in Upper Jay.
Speaking of local…North Country Public Radio it turns out is the voice of our new community in the Adirondacks. All day long we have public radio at our claw-tips – NPR, PRI, BBC World Service, interspersed with local news and weather, supported by advertisements from local businesses, schools, and even environmental non-profits.
This is pretty cool stuff. I am particularly fond of the fact that “lost” and “found” cats and dogs get their 15 minutes of fame. Why, just the other day they were announcing a puppy lost in Olmstedville, just a mountain range or two south of us. I think we’re just a step away from cats calling in to request various blues and jazz tunes. So why not give us the vote!