I know you’ve been wondering where I’ve been. What could be keeping me from my blog? I haven’t given up on blogging, but it hasn’t been my top priority, what with all the other excitement in my life. I certainly appreciate the constancy of my readers, checking in on me.
I’ve delayed telling you the news, as I know you rely on me for the cold hard facts and this may stretch the human understanding, but I’ve become a Dad. Here’s a picture of my son, Rotor.

No, not the dog! The non-furry human one is my kid. His Mom lives down the street with a very accommodating human guy, who’s kindly agreed to be a foster parent. Rotor spends most of his time with them but comes to see us often. Kinda perfect, huh? My cat pal Trousers, or T-boy, and the dog April are his companions and partners in crime. Here, they are discussing the merits of kibble over blended parsnips. Rotor’s Mom really likes blended parsnips and thinks he should too, but I think you can see where his interests lie.
As all of you who have met me know, I am incredibly attractive to the women folk. Human women just fall all over themselves trying to pet me and scratch under my chin. They want me to lay on their laps. They check on me by phone and e-mail, they send me letters, pictures and bring food. It’s very flattering.
And of course I like the women folk. I especially like Rotor’s Mom. (That’s his cat name – you’re not getting his human name. I don’t want all of you tracking him down for some crazy scientific evidence.) She and I spent some quality time with each other two autumns ago, and in June last year, out came Rotor. I thought he’d be furrier, and I was surprised there was only one of him, but he’s a handful and I’m very proud of him – though he is growing kind of slowly.
Rotor’s human dad is a gentleman. He married Rotor’s mom knowing about our escapade together and has been very cool about ensuring that I have a role to play in the kid’s upbringing, though for a variety of human-centric reasons Rotor is officially his son.
Right now, I’m teaching the little one about walking on all fours. I’m looking forward to teaching him how to climb trees as well as introducing him to the many species of birds, bugs, mammals, reptiles and our favorite around here, turtles. I think Rotor is going to really like turtles. Indeed, I predict he will be a turtle scientist someday. But we are all going to have to wait a while on that. In the meantime, I’m looking into good colleges for him.