So I understand that people make New Year’s resolutions. (The concept of a structured year is

My cat pal Alex and I thought about this custom a bit last night while our people were out imbibing and carousing and here’s my list. Alex is keeping hers to herself.
1. I resolve to climb at least 12 trees in the next human calendar year.
2. I resolve to stop trying to go into the bathroom to keep every guest that comes over company while they pee.
3. I resolve to learn to use the comma correctly.
4. I resolve to campaign for better treatment for all cats and to continue to teach people about the wonder of felines and the care and respect they need.
5. I resolve to speak up for all other animals, especially the wild things in all their forms (and I will not disregard dogs).
6. I resolve to TRY not to lick my person’s eyelids when she is sleeping but I nevertheless need attention (i.e. food).
7. I resolve to avoid scratching the dining table when I jump up on it (even though I am not supposed to jump up on it).
8. I resolve to sit patiently, thoughtfully, and critically on my person’s lap as she fulfills her own resolution to start her writing projects (but she doesn’t do resolutions…is that a girl thing?)
9. I resolve to restrain from tearing the weather stripping off the front door (thus reducing the energy savings in my people’s home and disappointing Al Gore) in my anticipation to go OUT.
10. I resolve to continue to try to raise funds for my good friends at the Sauk County Humane Society.
What do you resolve?
Happy Human New Year!