I received a letter a couple weeks ago asking if I would consider a late run for the Democratic nomination. As you see here, because I value the opinion of my human friends, I did spend a bit of time pondering such an idea – thinking about what a cat’s roadmap for America would look like. I have, however, declined, using the reasonable excuse: I am, after all, a cat.
I mean, really, can you imagine a litterbox in the oval office?
In response to my decision, I’ve been asked for an endorsement prior to Super Tuesday. The pressure is too great. Hillary is likely going to defend my right to get cat food, but she seems to be pissing everyone off. Even The Nation is writing rather dismissive webitorials about her. And then there is the cold hard fact that while Barack Obama is not furry, he seems to get people engaged. It seems easy to make a prediction at this point.
I still think neither of them has a very good lap. And, I’d like to point out that while my people often are inspired to clean the litterbox, they don’t always actually clean the litterbox. Though I’d like to know what Mr. Feingold thinks – my home state senator – I’m putting my kibble on Senator Obama...Ted Kennedy has a great lap and he’s supporting him.
I am, however, a cat of action...I’ll be watching for thoughtful, progressive action. I want more than a good speech and grand ideas for creating consensus…I want a responsible decision maker.
And since inspiration actually does create action in the best of times, I’m passing on a couple links that might get you thinking and feeling passionately on a couple of my favorite issues. Take 20 minutes out of your day for each…it will get you thinking about where we are and where we might go as a bunch of individuals in a society, no matter who the First Lap is. Video and sound are required for one but not the other.
First, here’s Al Gore’s Nobel Prize speech. They call it a lecture; I call it worth a listen. First, go to the link in the right column of this blog called “Places to Go.” Then, when you get to the page, the video link is just under Al’s color photo. But you can also read the text version.
Another place to go when you have another 20 minutes (and can play video and sound) is called “The Story of Stuff.” The click link is just below Al’s Nobel speech link.
Watch these…then go vote in your primary or caucus. Tell them Diesel sent you.