Wow, I’ve been busy.
There’s been no time for blogging with new visitors everywhere. And it’s hard to get inspiration to blog when you can’t go cat around in your own backyard without getting “lip” from flickers, chatter from wrens, wails from robins, and a host of complaints from titmice, grackles, and, always, catbirds.
I’m thrilled they are all having a successful breeding season, but I’m not going to eat baby birds…really, it is my honest intention not to eat them…maybe just a sniff and a lick?
Not that I’d have a chance because my person is accompanying me everywhere when I do get to go out during fledgling season.
Our House Wrens have about three babies, we think – maybe a week from fledging. They seem quite happy thus far. Their little house never gets too much direct sun and is well protected from storm winds. A brief, sunny warm-up in the morning, then a nice rocking breeze through the afternoon. We are looking forward to seeing them.

We already have a successful backyard robin nest. Here’s a picture of the youngster we saw up in our cedar tree. I am sad to report that the three eggs in our front yard nest were robbed one night a couple weeks ago. Likely it was a squirrel. Alex isn’t too fond of squirrels and likes to chase them.
The grackles also have children running about but no sign yet of catbird or flicker babies (woodpecker babies are just so cute…their little tongues are quite cool). And you never know with titmice…they are so quiet and secretive.

No sign of the Baltimore Orioles. We hear them every so often, and we know there must be a nest somewhere down by the little beach, but we don’t know where the family from the recently felled Black Cherry relocated.
Oh, and we have Wisconsin prairie flowers coming right up where Alex can see them – she loves a good prairie garden.

More on new visitors soon…