The little house is in bloom. We have forsythia, daffodils, lilac, Japanese cherry trees, dogwood and then all those green and red leaves (King maple, copper beech, sycamore, sugar maple) unfolding. It is quite a sight.
On top of that, there’s sage and allium coming up, and my male person brought us several of Alex’s prairie plants from Wisconsin: yellow and purple coneflower and ox-eye sunflowers.
It is so lovely that Rusty Stormy came by just to check it out yesterday afternoon. I was in the back yard at the time.
It was a good meeting. RS was quite the gentleman. He stayed his distance after we sighted each other. He did a full-tail salute, standing tall and still for several minutes. I, being a cat, do not salute. Instead, I strolled casually about on the side of the back yard near the garage, putting my back to RS and calmly walking about.
I then walked a few paces toward him and casually marked the nearby cherry tree. He walked a few paces away from me, toward the back of the yard and playfully rolled several times. It was not a serious invitation, but it was nice to see that he has potential as a play companion. He then retook his position. We stared at each other a few minutes (quite boring really). Then he woofed, walked a few steps toward me, turned, and ambled to the back of the yard and homeward.
As I said, it was a good meeting. Quite promising, really. Every cat is looking for a good dog. One he can join forces with when circumstances warrant. A good dog, though, is hard to find.