Dear friends. I’ve been receiving e-mail requests for insight on the 2008 elections. I’m not a terribly political animal by nature, however, I do believe in the democratic process and the importance of all voices being heard. If I have thoughts to share with you as we get closer to the election, I’ll pass them on. Right now, I’m still adjusting to a Democratic field without Senator Feingold, reading up on Clinton, Edwards, and Obama, and wondering just what Mr. Gore is going to do, if anything.
I get much of my news from the web through standard sources like AP, Reuters, and, on the environmental front, Grist Magazine and High Country News. But I still love the touch and feel of newsprint under my paws. I am looking forward to receiving the Sunday edition

I’ve also been known to use a headset to listen to NPR via the computer. It often helps me relax. It also gives me something to do when my person is being incredibly boring and I’m not up to a game of chase with Alex.
On a recent spin through The Economist on-line I found this cogent video analysis. Move your mouse cursor over the black box to reveal the player controls. Then, hit the “play” button (the funny triangle on the left). You must have the Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer to view the video.
Hope it works for you. This is my first foray into posting video on my blog. The video is no longer available, sorry!